Why is My Semen Thick

The semen consistency varies for every person. It can also change with time or even from one ejaculation to other. Thick semen is not a cause for worry always, especially if this consistency is very much infrequent. If semen is often however thick, it can signal a serious problem with the prostate or even the seminal vesicles. If any men have thick semen, then the doctor may refer to the issue called as “semen hyperviscosity.” If semen is thick, the sperm cannot move and there may be low sperm. Leading to this, it may be quite tough to impregnate your partner.

What counts as ‘thick’?

Ejaculation that is infrequent is a possible reason of thick semen. It can be quite tough for men to tell whether their semen is thick unusually. Moreover, Healthy semen starts thickening & hardening after the ejaculation. Only a semen analysis test which includes a viscosity test can confirm for sure. Men may need testing & even the medical attention if their semen:

  • Seems thicker than regular
  • Instead of drops comes out in thick strands
  • Comes out solid or in chunks

Causes of thick semen

Many males have semen that clinically is thick. Semen might become this thick due to:

Infrequent ejaculation

When men ejaculate after not having done so for a long, they may find an enhance in the thickness & also in the total amount of semen that you have. Anyone who feels worried about the thickness of semen should make sure ejaculating every other day.


If the body is not hydrated correctly, there may be less water available in the semen, causing it to be thick. Anyone who wonders whether the thickness of the semen leads from a health problem should drink a lot of water and see whether this resolves the problem.


Leukocytospermia is characterized by ejaculate with too many white cells the cells that typically help to tackle the infection. It can diminish any men’s fertility. The condition can form for no apparent reason, or it can happen when a person has an infection, like one in the urinary tract or a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Oxidative stress may cause leukocytospermia. Over a period of time, especially as a person gets old with age, free radicals & reactive oxygen species may accumulate in the overall genital tract. In response to this, white blood cells may build in the reproductive tract, and there can be any inflammation.

Problems in the prostate or seminal vesicles

Semen is made up of sperm from testicles, seminal fluid from the seminal vesicles, and an amount of fluid right from the prostate. The semen then travels right through the ejaculatory ducts and into the urethra, where it is ejaculated correctly. Problems from the functioning of either the prostate or some of the seminal vesicles may make the semen thick.

The thickness may indicate that an issue in the seminal vesicles is causing the prostate to secrete fluid or that there has been a wide change in the proteins that the prostate & seminal vesicles add to the semen. Few of the people may witness other symptoms of prostate issues like painful ejaculation, pain while urinating, or frequent urination.

What is healthy semen?

It is not possible to assess the health of semen’s by how it looks. Very thick semen may decrease the movement of sperm or count, but people with low counts of sperm have semen that be very normal. The only way to reliably assess semen is with the help of professional analysis. And once a person gives the sample of semen, their doctor sends it to straight to the laboratory. The results show many types of measures of semen health, which involves:

Semen volume: This is a measure of how much semen a person forms that should be 1.5 to 5 milliliters.

Concentration: At times the called sperm count, this is a measure of how concentrated sperm are in the sample of semen. An ideal number is 15–20 million or even higher.

Morphology: This says that whether the shape & appearance of the sperm are much healthy. If few of the regularly shaped sperm are in a sample, this says that a lower chance of successful impregnation.

Motility: These measures how many sperm can properly move. Healthy mens should have motility numbers of 40–50%.

Tips for healthy sperm

In general, Healthy men can have a issue with their sperm or even with the semen, and a person can take few steps to improve their quality of semen. For example, men can try consuming antioxidants. Oxidative damage may contribute to the thick sperm or the infections, and a handful of studies have found that taking the over-the-counter solutions of antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, or coenzyme Q, led to improvements in the count of sperm or quality of semen. It is also a nice idea to avoid high temperatures, which may destroy the sperm, by keeping away from saunas & the jacuzzis. Also, it may help to

  • Wear loose-fitting underwear and pants.
  • Sustain a healthy weight.
  • Cut down to alcohol consumption.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Eat variety of fruits & vegetables.

When to see a doctor

A person should receive medical care if:

  • Their sperm is thick for more than a several days and does not respond to home remedies, such as drinking water.
  • Some other symptoms like painful or frequent urination or painful sex, also happen.
  • They recently had unprotected sex with someone whose STIs was unknown or if they have not had an STI test in the past 180 days.
  • When they are unable to make a partner pregnant post 6–12 months of trying.


The consistency of semen, volume, quality, and the color can change from each day, and they vary from every person. Only a healthcare expert can assess whether semen that is thick indicates a health problem. Anyone who notices a regular, unexplained change in their semen should gain the medical attention, if they are concerned about fertility especially or witnessing any other kind of symptoms.

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