Does Masturbation Decrease Testosterone

Does Masturbation Decrease Testosterone

Masturbation is a common factor for both men and women. For masturbation, there are plenty of myths about the potential consequences. Further, Scientists have not been able to figure out a link between masturbation and blindness, hairy palms, or shrinkage. However, it is believed that masturbation can reduce testosterone still exist. Low testosterone levels can lead to a few sexual side effects involving erectile dysfunction, but the question arises if or not masturbation is the culprit.

What Are the Side Effects of Masturbation?

In general, Research says that men begin masturbating between the ages of 14 and 17 as they’re in the depths of getting into the adult zone. This is when they start being warned about the potential consequences of masturbation. Many of these myths have been thoroughly debunked. Outside of some issues, there aren’t many negative side effects to masturbation. On the other side, plenty of benefits have been associated with masturbating. It can help you to get relaxed, get the right sleep, reduce stress, and boost self-esteem.

Is There a Link Between Masturbation and Testosterone?

No evidence says that masturbation or ejaculation has any bad impact or long-term effects on testosterone levels. Testosterone plays a major role in many important bodily functions, like regulating bone & muscle mass, fat distribution, and the formation of red blood cells. The noticeable impact of testosterone regularly may be its effect on sexual drive. Men’s sex drive is reduced post masturbating and having an orgasm, it’s possible this myth originated just because of the misunderstanding.

Once men reach sexual climax, they enter into the refractory period in which achieving an erection is tough. The length of this period varies for every person depending on age. The refractory period may stay for a few minutes for youths, but it may stay for a few hours or several days for old men.  At the time of the refractory period, the penile muscle gets relaxed and the erection fades away. Blood pressure, heart rate, & breathing slow down and return to actual levels.

Guys become less responsive to sexual stimulation. It’s possible that this severe drop in sex drive could be mistaken for a low testosterone level. As the refractory periods are completely normal, that’s not the case.

What Causes Low Testosterone?

Further, Men reach their peak testosterone production sometime in their late 20s or even in their early 30s. Post this, the production of testosterone decreases by an average of 1.6 percent each year.

Eventually, this decline can lead to significant side effects, just as depression, fatigue, loss of muscle mass, concentration issues, & also general irritability. It can also lead to experiencing sexual side effects like reduced sexual drive & the problem of erectile dysfunction.  While growing age is a common reason for witnessing lower levels of testosterone, there are possible reasons it can occur, which involve:

  • Testicle trauma or infection
  • Chemotherapy
  • Certain medications
  • Alcohol abuse or cirrhosis of the liver
  • Kidney failure
  • Stress & Obesity
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Sleep apnea

How Can the Low Testosterone Treat?

If you’re witnessing low levels of testosterone, there are some ways that you can increase your production levels naturally. Although these lifestyle changes aren’t likely to bring back the production levels to their peak, they may enhance production enough to cut down the symptoms you might be witnessing.

Get More Exercise

Getting regular exercise is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body, and it can boost your testosterone in the process.  The perfect way to increase both short-term and long-term testosterone production is by resistance training & lifting weights.

Reduce Stress

Stress is unavoidable, but regularly experiencing stress can increase cortisol levels. Cortisol & testosterone have a sort of polarizing relationship: when one enhances, the other will go down.  Using stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, mindfulness, or breathing work out may help to cut down your stress levels. It is always better to talk to a therapist if you’re under abnormal amounts of stress constantly.

Get Better Sleep

Sleep is an important aspect of the overall well-being of a man, it also plays a significant role in the production of testosterone. A study showed that men getting five hours of sleep every night experienced, at a minimum, a 15 percent reduction in testosterone production.

What are the benefits and risks of masturbation?

Masturbation is a safe and perfect way to witness sexual pleasure, whether you’re alone or with a partner. It has several proven benefits, including relieving stress, reducing sexual tension, improving your mood, helping you get relaxed or lower anxiety, helping you get satisfying sleep, helping you learn about your sexual desires, and improving your overall sexual life.

Masturbation doesn’t have any bad impacts on your overall sexual performance or other parts of your body concerning T levels. Masturbation doesn’t cause hair loss as well, ED, or acne breakouts on your face & back. These effects are strongly associated with all your lifestyle choices, hygiene, and personal relationships, rather than your T levels.

The takeaway

Moreover, Masturbation alone doesn’t have an impact on your T levels. The hormone changes associated with masturbation can form some short-term effects, but ejaculation because of masturbation won’t have any kind of long-term impact on your overall sexual health or overall well-being. Personal and emotional problems can affect the T levels. If you see some signs of low testosterone while experiencing difficulties in your relationship, consider therapy for yourself or you and your beloved partner. Communicating very openly about your personal or sexual life may help you improve or resolve the problems that could be causing a drop in your T levels.

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